Why is chicken meat worth eating
Chicken meat is a great source of protein that is easily digestible and has a desirable amino acid composition. In terms of the amino acids needed for a healthy human diet, it is second only to the proteins in eggs. The meat's low fat content translates into low calorific value. Nutritionists and the WHO recommend chicken meat for consumers of all ages and health conditions due to plenty of easily digestible minerals and vitamins.
Chickens are the most common species of farm animals in the world. They were domesticated as early as around 1,000 BC in the Indian peninsula. Five hundred years later they were also bred in Southern Europe. Domestication was originally intended to use roosters for fighting, various religious ceremonies, and even magic. Over time, the value of chicken eggs and meat has been appreciated as part of the diet. The genetic selection of chickens in the US became increasingly focused on either egg-laying or meat production in the late 1930s and early 1940s. This was the beginning of modern poultry farming. Since then, tremendous breeding progress has been made in each of these two directions. The advances in improving birds nutrition and maintenance have resulted in a rapid increase in poultry production (especially chicken meat). For several years, global poultry meat production has been greater than pork production. Poland is the largest poultry producer in Europe, being ranked third in the world.

Why is duck meat
worth eating?
Duck is the finest species of poultry. It is a source of vitamins D, A, E and B. Also, it contains numerous minerals. The meat is rich in unsaturated fats, which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.