Why is duck meat worth eating
Duck is the finest species of poultry. It is a source of vitamins D, A, E and B. Also, it contains umerous minerals. The meat is rich in unsaturated fats, which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
Ducks were domesticated in China around 2500 BC. In fact, ducks are still a very popular species in China, and Chinese cuisine undoubtedly holds the lead in terms of the number and variety of duck meat dishes worldwide. In the Far East, mainly in China and Vietnam, ducks are also used for laying eggs. The main purpose of breeding ducks in Europe is meat – with the exception of ornamental duck breeding in certain countries.
White Pekin ducks and Muscovy ducks (or their hybrids) are the meat producers' choice to use. Ducks of different species differ in size and build. White Pekin ducks are the type of ducks that are bred in Poland.

Why is chicken meat
worth eating?
Chicken meat is a great source of protein that is easily digestible and has a desirable amino acid composition. In terms of the amino acids needed for a healthy human diet, it is second only to the proteins in eggs. The meat's low fat content translates into low calorific value. Nutritionists and the WHO recommend chicken meat for consumers of all ages and health conditions due to plenty of easily digestible minerals and vitamins.